That's the (Healthy) Spirit! | 19 Tips for 2019
ICYMI, March is National Nutrition Month and is here to give you an excuse to keep on with your healthy habits.
So the idea is that every year, there is an educational and informational campaign recognized and observed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The main goal is to encourage individuals to make better eating choices and improve exercise habits.
We get it. It can easily get overwhelming to see all the latest diets and to hear about the latest fad that's trending; that's why it's especially important to just practice well-rounded eating habits that will help improve your overall well-being.
We're all about practicing self-care here at the Stitch's team, and while healthy foods and the gym more than once a month may not sound like the the most fun way to spend your time - it'll be worth it.
Take a look at this checklist from Eat Right on how you can start celebrating Nutrition Month for yourself.